AVIO Instrument

AVIO Instrument-0

The AVIO (Analog Voltage Input/Output) Instrument features 16 channels, each configurable for either input or output.

  • One AVIO card can take the place of many instruments (such as multimeters, oscilloscopes, frequency counters, and generators)
  • Each channel can supply or monitor time varying AC or DC signals (sine, triangle, square waves, and more)
  • Other cards similar to AVIO only have one Analog to Digital Converter for all channels on the card. AVIO is a cost effective and faster solution because every channel has its own dedicated Analog to Digital Converter. This allows a faster sample rate and independent channels (no muxing).
  • All voltage readings are true RMS regardless of wave shape.
  • Input sample rates up to 1.1 MS/s (mega samples per second) and output rates up to 1 MS/s
  • Ability to drive currents up to 450 mA per channel
  • Output channels monitor current.
  • Input channels monitor frequency and voltage.
  • Inputs can withstand voltages between +/- 170 volts (therefore 120-volt outlets will not damage the module)
  • Ethernet Interface (built-in web server)
  • Included TestTrak software allows ease of use without programming

Output Mode Specifications

Number of Channels: 16 (user configurable to be either input or output)
Maximum Frequency: 1 MS/s
Output Voltage Range: +10/-10 Volts
Output Mode Memory Depth: 8K deep memory per channel for programmable waveforms
Internal and External Clocking: Yes (External 12 KHz max)
Output Protection: Over Current, Over Voltage, Over Temperature
Hardware Failure Limit Detection: High/Low voltage, current, and frequency limits (user configurable)
External Enable Trigger: Yes (2 Triggers shared with external clock)
Accuracy: 12 Bit (5.86 mV/bit
Output Current/Channel (Max): +/-450 mA (external power required for high channel count applications)
Slew Rate: 88.49 V/us
Output Channel Impedance: ~3.00 Ohm (series)
Remote Sense: Yes

Input Mode Specifications

Number of Channels: Up to 16 (shared with output mode) Up to 8 (in differential mode)
Maximum Sample Rate: 1.1 MS/s (0.909 uS)
Input Voltage Range: +/-1.00; +/-12.00; +/-170 Volts
Accuracy: 12 Bit (0.488mV; 5.86mV; 87.4mV)
Input Protection: +/- 170V max
Channel Impedance: ~36KOhm to GND
Frequency Range: 20Hz – 100 KHz

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