Job Opportunities

Thermotron is hiring! Filter by category to find the most relevant positions; click to view job descriptions, and apply to begin constructing your own environment.



Location: Holland, MI

Entry-Level Electrical Wiring

Location: Holland, MI

Custom Cabinet & Machine Builder

Location: Holland, MI

1st Shift Sheet Metal Machine Operator

Location: Holland, MI

2nd Shift Sheet Metal Machine Operator

Location: Holland, MI

Refrigeration Assembler

Location: Holland, MI

Machine Testing Technician

Location: Holland, MI

Metal Cabinet Builder

Location: Holland, MI

Sales & Marketing


Field Service

Field Service Engineer / Refrigeration New Jersey based

Location: New Jersey

Field Service Engineer / Refrigeration Los Angeles based

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Field Service Engineer / Refrigeration Syracuse based

Location: Syracuse, NY

Field Service Engineer / Refrigeration Chicago based

Location: Chicago, IL

Field Service Engineer / Refrigeration Dayton based

Location: Dayton, OH

Field Service Engineer / Refrigeration Nashville based

Location: Nashville, TN

Technical Professional


Customer Service Parts

Location: Holland, MI

Purchasing Administrative Assistant

Location: Holland, MI

Administrative Assistant/ National Service Team

Location: Holland, MI

Human Resources

Skilled Trade Recruiter

Location: Holland, MI

Plant Employment Relations / Human Resources

Location: Holland, MI


Electrical Designer

Location: Holland, MI
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