Tag: service seminar
2017 Service Seminar | Registration Still Open!
May 15-19 | Hope College in Holland, Michigan Thermotron’s 2017 Service Seminar is an intensive 3-day technical conference, taking place this May at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. Seminar classes are tailored for test equipment operators, maintenance technicians, and engineers. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from, and interact with, Thermotron engineers, designers, testers, […]
Registration Now Open for the 2015 Service Seminar!
Registration is now open for the Thermotron 2015 Service Seminar from May 11-15! Learn practical, theoretical, and working knowledge of chambers and shaker systems from Thermotron experts. Get more information about the 2015 Service Seminar by visiting http://www.thermotron.com/2015-service-seminar where you can also download the brochure.