
Thermotron = Environmental Test Chamber

At Thermotron we are flattered when we hear environmental test chambers referred to as Thermotrons.

Raytheon Using Robots with a Thermotron Environmental Test Chamber

One of the most interesting aspects of working at Thermotron are our customers and their products.

Importance of Performing HASS Testing Correctly

When performing a Highly Accelerated Stress Screen (HASS) on finished products it is very important to ensure that test parameters are accurate so the products under test will be accurately screened, not over or under stressed, so that your customers receive products with the highest amount of useful life possible. An example of this is […]

Sat-Com Uses Thermotron AGREE Chamber to Eliminate Field Failures

Thermotron Industries latest case study focuses on Namibia-based military communication company Sat-Com, who completely eliminated field failures using a combined environmental chambers for product development and testing.  

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